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TV-NUPES celebrates its first anniversary

On 10 May 2015 TV-NUPES' YouTube channel celebrated its first anniversary. Every Friday TV NUPES releases a new short video (3 to 5 min), usually bilingual (English and Portuguese), with a researcher discussing a topic on the relationship between science and spirituality.

On 10 May 2015 TV-NUPES - the YouTube channel on Science and Spirituality (www.youtube.com/nupesufjf) - celebrated its first anniversary. TV NUPES has received over 45,000 views in more than 100 countries, mainly in Brazil, USA, Portugal, UK, Canada, Germany, Spain, France and Australia.

Every Friday TV NUPES releases a new short video (3 to 5 min), usually bilingual (English and Portuguese), with a researcher discussing a topic on the relationship between science and spirituality. Scholars from a wide range of fields have taken part on the videos which cover such subjects as Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Physics, History Theology, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology and Education.

TV NUPES is produced by NUPES (Research Center in Spirituality and Health, School of Medicine, Federal University of Juiz de Fora – UFJF – Juiz de Fora – MG – Brazil) that develops interdisciplinary research on the relationship between spirituality and health (www.ufjf.br/nupes-eng).

During its first year, TV NUPES released 50 videos.  Tthe most viewed (2,000+ views) are:


5 Myths in Science and Spirituality – Introduction  / Ciência, Religião e Espiritualidade: como conciliar?

Prof. Alexander Moreira-Almeida MD, PhD


Neuroimaging studies in spiritual experiences / Pesquisas de neuroimagem em experiências espirituais  

Dr. Alessandra Ghinato Mainieri PhD


Myth 01: Universe is composed only by matter/physical forces /

Mito 01: O universo é composto apenas por matéria e forças físicas  

Prof. Alexander Moreira-Almeida MD, PhD


Myth 2: Brain produces mind / Mito 02: O Cérebro produz a mente /

Prof. Alexander Moreira-Almeida MD, PhD


Research on Chico Xavier's mediumistic writing / Pesquisa sobre cartas psicografadas por Chico Xavier

Dr. Elizabeth Feire, PhD

Prof. Alexander Moreira-Almeida MD, PhD


Near Death Experience (NDE) / Experiência de Quase Morte (EQM)


Sample of other videos:

What is well-being? / O que é bem-estar?

Prof. Robert Cloninger MD, PhD


Creationism x Evolutionism?  Selfish Gene?/ Criacionismo x Evolucionismo? Gene Egoísta?

Dr. Andrew Pinsent MA, DPhil, STB, PhD


What is NUPES - UFJF? / Apresentação NUPES – UFJF

Prof. Alexander Moreira-Almeida MD, PhD


Myth of perennial religion/science conflict / O mito do eterno conflito entre ciência e religião

Prof. Ronald L. Numbers PhD

History and philosophy of scientific research on spirituality

 / História e filosofia das pesquisas científicas sobre espiritualidade

Ms. Alexandre Sech


Gap in addressing spiritual needs of patients / Por que a espiritualidade não é abordada na clínica?

Prof. Alexander Moreira-Almeida MD, PhD


How to assess patients' spirituality? How to take a spiritual history? / Como abordar a espiritualidade dos pacientes?

Prof. Alexander Moreira-Almeida MD, PhD


Is it possible to change our personality? How? / É possível mudar nossa personalidade? Como?

Prof. Robert Cloninger MD, PhD


Galileo and the Church: myths and facts  / Galileu e a Igreja: mitos e fatos

Prof. Ronald L. Numbers PhD


For further information contact: alex.ma@ufjf.edu.br

NUPES’ website: www.ufjf.br/nupes-eng

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ufjf.nupes

TvNupes: www.youtube.com/nupesufjf

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